Thoughts to Ponder:
Are you living a burden free week? As we talked on Sunday it is time to exchange our yokes for Christ’s yoke, for His yoke is easy and light. As a reminder to the three ways we can live burden free:
1. Come to Christ for Rest.
2. Give up Control of your life.
3. Learn to trust the Lord in all things.
Matthew 11:28-30—Come to Me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light. (RSV)
What is the state of your heart this week? Are there still too many things on your plate? If there are list them out and ask the Lord which ones you should lay down. If we as Christians are going to have influence in the world we must first have influence over our own lives by surrendering to Christ. The lives of most Americans have become so full and stress filled that it must become one of our highest priorities to de-stress our lives and then be able to spend more time and quality time with the Lord.
Action Items:
1. Look over all your personal responsibilities.
2. Prioritize them even to the point of cutting many of them out.
3. Commit to read the Bible through this year.
4. Commit to spending a specific amount of time in prayer each day.
Encouragement from the Word:
1. Isaiah 40:29-31—God energizes those who get tired, and gives fresh strength to dropouts…Those who wait upon God get fresh strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles, they run and don’t get tired, they walk and don’t lag behind. (Message)
2. Matthew 6:6—Find a quiet, secluded place so you won’t be tempted to role-play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage. The focus will shift from you to God, and you will begin to sense His grace. (Message)
That was such an incredible message on Sunday. I need to learn to exchange my yoke with God's Yoke. This message really spoke to me. I am now so thrilled to come to Christ every time I feel stressed out or tired etc.. When I come to Christ, I will "Find Rest."
I like those points that were given on this Blog: Look over all your personal responsibilities. Prioritize them even to the point of cutting many of them out. (I especially need to practice this point)
Commit to read the Bible through this year. Commit to spending a specific amount of time in prayer each day.
This is such a helpful and practical way in coming to Christ and giving up control.
Wow, I needed this message. This week I have been learning to lean on Jesus and come to him when I feel burdened. It is so amazing how God takes our burdens from us when we really do come to him. Thank you Lord.
Great series Pastor Ken. Trusting in God is our testimony! I read the other day Proverbs 3:26 and I committed to God that this would be a life verse for me...it say's "GOD IS MY CONFIDENCE". At times I try to carry to much and overwork to the point of frustration when in fact it's easier to TRUST God...plus more is accomplished when we do this. Thanks for the maessage and for being a GREAT PASTOR!
I really am getting so much out of this New Series. Thank you so much Pastor Ken for feeding this house Capital Christian with good food!!
I love reading your Daily Blogs Pastor Ken. It is so encouraging and I look forward to reading them daily as direction and for daily devotions.
As I read the quote from Isaiah, it reminded me that the Lord wants us to soar like eagles also so we can see the harvest as big as it is seen by Him. Jesus is wonderful! Also, all of these good things Jesus promises to us like "...renew your streingth" - we usually think that it is for us, but it is so we can give it back to Him. We shouldn't forget that. More we give to Him - more we get, easyer it gets. Returning to the yoke... Jesus can't influence people with our burdens, but we can and in very sad way. People will say: " look at this guy - I don't want to be like him..." Great "influence"!
Thank you pastor Ken. Now I have a great time during the weekdays too. I am busy figuring out how to keep up with everything that I have missed while caring my own burdens. I have the most Kingdom - productive time in my life.
We as a culture have this tendency to hold on to every little thing in our life in order to be in control. Stress is so draining physically and spiritually. In order to recieve Gods grace and find "soul rest" we need to completly surrender to the Lord everything in our life and go back to that sacred intimate time with the Lord so he can fill us up. The message on Sunday really touched my life to evaluate my priorities to see what was hindering my relationship with the Lord!
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