Thoughts to Ponder:
Following our great “supernatural” weekend, it think it is always good to meditate on what God said; what we felt he told us both personally and corporately. 2007 is now here and we all have the opportunity to have a fresh start by forgetting those things behind us and pressing toward what God is leading us toward. It seems that God has some great things in store for this year by what we all felt in the Spirit. However, it will take adherence to spiritual disciplines and continued pursuit of the Holy Spirit to see everything that He desires come to pass.
On Friday night we talked about supernatural encounters. Let’s use this year as a time to believe that we will encounter God time after time and as Moses did receive great personal transformation as a result. God desires to meet with us to share His secrets with us and then to partner in the job of the extension of His kingdom on the earth. I am looking forward to awesome times of experiencing God this year. God is looking for people who “fear the Lord” in order that He might spend time with them and in turn release grace upon their lives. We serve a “living” God who wants to be involved in our lives. Our job is to humble ourselves before Him and expect to be touched and used by Him.
As you attended this last weekend’s Catalyst Conference I know that God spoke into your life many things. Together let’s allow Him to continue to move on us and stand on the Word that was inserted into our lives.
Action Items:
1. Read the Bible through this year.
2. Establish a consistent prayer time daily this year.
3. Look to where God wants you to serve.
Encouragement from the Word:
Exodus 33:13-16—Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight. And consider that this nation is Your people. And He said, My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Then he said to Him, If your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here. For how then will it be known that Your people and I have found grace in Your sight, except You go with us? So we shall be separate, Your people and I, from all the people who are upon the face of the earth.
That is a good word. My wife and I are believing that what was imparted to us over the weekend will bear fruit and manifest over the next several months. I appreciate our pastor and his passion to hear and deliver Gods word to us. I thank God for our wonderful church Capital Christian Center and all the wonderful pastors and people that touch lives like mine everyday. God is good and this is a good year to be living for Him!!!!
Its so very exciting to have a brand new year in front of us. 2006 was an incredible year and like Pastor Ken preached we have to let go of past failures and disapointments so that we can grab on to what is ahead of us. I am personally praying that God would give me expectation for everyday that i wake up--- to expect the supernatural from Him. This wont be a year of costing and aimlessly living- but rather that of purpose, expectation and faith! PTL!
I am so excited about this New Year 2007. I know God is going to Move in Such a powerful way in my life and in the church. I can't wait for what God has in store. I know God is going to Pour out his spirit on us in a mighty way! Thank you God! This is the Year!
I believe that God's spirit is going to move mightly in this New Year! God was so faithful in 2006, and has already begun HIS work in 2007! early on in the year, I am witnessing "first fruits". I'm anxious for direction and putting to use, HIS WORD in every area of my life, during this new year!! I love this church and am excited to be a part of this ministry!
My Challenge to people is not to expect God to move just "This YEAR" However; believe God to move "THIS DAY." I think God requires us to have faith today that He will and is moving in our life. To expect that Miracle, healing, stregnth, blessing, favor, or whatever our need, desire or expectation is that we have been promised by God. It is not for another day in this is for today! AMEN!
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Pastor Ken is such an amazing Pastor and a blessing to me personally. He has taught me to move on to what God has in store for my life instead of pouring all my time and effort in past things. I believe this is a year of fullfilled promises. And each day i am excited to press into the Lord and see what he has in store me!!! im excited for 2007
Pastor Ken's passion speaks to the emphatic word delivered this past weekend. The area of influence is a category of many Christians' lives that can never exceed ambition. I hope that Capital Christian Center can be a place or refuge and restoration. The giving of one's life, time, and overall passion WILL begin to influence our community! I left encouraged and motivated to begin to live this life expecting divine, influetial opportunities.
This weekend was definately a catalyst for my life. Through the amazing supernatural times we had, I really felt like God was urging me to make things simple in my life. I'm finding that simplicity is essential in this busy world. Everyday, I have two goals...
#1 Love God More
#2 Know God More
Everything I do is in the perspective of these two priorities. This has revolutionized my daily relationship with Christ, and I know that this transformation I am experiencing is not because of a really good effort to be religiously disciplined. I'm experiencing a deep passion to really supernaturally experience God, and a desperation for the Holy Spirit in my life. Thanks, Pastor Ken, for encouraging us to live inside the dreams God has for us!
I am so excited to read through the Bible this year, and to pray more passionately, and I want to listen and look for every opportunity to serve! I love God's House, and I want this year to be the Year that I give everything to God.
I think that many of us can identify with Moses on this one in the fact that we need God to go up the mountain with us. It's easy to just push on with life charging ahead without expecting the Holy Spirit to speak to us and guide us. In 2007, I only want to go up this mountain if God goes with me. I want to meet him face to face in a way that will create everlasting changes for myself and my family.
I love this blog!! It is so awesome to read through it and also be encouraged by other people's comments. Thank you Pastor Ken.
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